Gene Editing

美 [ˈdʒiːn edɪtɪŋ]英 [ˈdʒiːn edɪtɪŋ]
  • 网络基因编辑
Gene EditingGene Editing
  1. I 'm trying three methods of breeding , Farrant says : conventional , genetic modification arid gene editing .


  2. But the most controversial application of gene editing is in human cells .


  3. Researchers in China are adopting gene editing with particular enthusiasm ;


  4. He worries that something similar will happen with gene editing .


  5. Most concern focuses on human gene editing .


  6. Gene editing has been making huge strides in the past few years .


  7. A more practical barrier to embryonic gene editing may be cost and complexity .


  8. With good management and public support , gene editing could lead biotechnology into a golden age .


  9. Arguably , so it is again today with gene editing , social media and artificial intelligence .


  10. Two scientists have won this year 's Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery on gene editing .


  11. And as a scientist , it 's wonderful to see all the creative work that 's going on with gene editing .


  12. People get very excited and concerned , appropriately , I think , on occasion about opportunities to use gene editing in systems where ,


  13. The potential bite back from the latest crop of new technologies , such as gene editing and artificial intelligence , is terrifying .


  14. Keen to address the ethical concerns , national scientific academies convened an international summit on human gene editing in Washington this month .


  15. American scientists have carried out similar experiments on humans , with some success , using an older gene editing tool called zinc finger nuclease .


  16. Some have suggested at least a temporary halt to any gene editing research with human embryos but this would have an excessively chilling effect on science .


  17. The first successful " gene editing " of human embryos to prevent transmission of inherited disease , announced this week , is a landmark in biotechnology .


  18. Last year , James Clapper , director of national intelligence , included gene editing aimed at producing new biological weapons as among the nation 's top security threats .


  19. With gene editing tools , people can be more accurate , in-depth understanding to explore gene function , study disease mechanisms , establish a new strain , find effective treatment of hereditary diseases .


  20. While scientists are talking excitedly about the great promise and potential risks of gene editing , these have not yet received the attention they deserve from the public or policymakers .


  21. This is often true , but sometimes no healthy embryos are available - and , even when they are , gene editing could increase the number available to implant in the womb .


  22. The Chinese researchers point out that in their experiment gene editing almost certainly caused more extensive damage than they documented ; they did not examine the entire genomes of the embryo cells .


  23. Critics also question the need for gene editing when pre-implantation diagnosis ( PGD ) , which selects healthy IVF embryos by a DNA test , can do the job , too .


  24. In September BGI captured the public imagination with an announcement that " micropigs , " originally developed for biomedical research through gene editing and cloning , would be sold as pets .


  25. It is likely to contribute important innovations in consumer drones and driverless cars and in many other fields : The Chinese government is pouring immense resources into biotechnology , including new gene editing techniques .


  26. However , researchers at the Salk Institute claim to have landed on ' the holy grail of gene editing ' , which can delicately and smoothly cut through DNA .


  27. Earlier this year , the National Academies of Sciences , Engineering , and Medicine published a report on human genome editing , addressing potential applications of gene editing , including the possible prevention or treatment of disease .


  28. But advances such as gene editing and next-generation DNA sequencing allow scientists to weaponise new viruses , perhaps including custom pathogens engineered to overcome existing immunities or to be impervious to current drugs .


  29. Noting the many unresolved questions about gene editing of human embryos , a group of leading American researchers recently published a paper in the journal Science calling for a moratorium on doing such work for clinical purposes .


  30. This involved using the gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to delete a gene known as CCR5 from bone marrow stem cells taken from a donor , before transplanting them into the patient , Peking University scientists said in the study .
